Wednesday 11 April 2012

The power of electricity

Last week there was a power cut across most of the northern parts of North Yorkshire. No, I don't mean the tribe leaders were outsted; I am referring to the loss of electrical power supplied by Northern Grid, or whatever they are called this week.

Some customers were without power for just a few hours; others for a few days which, for twenty-first century Britain is rather a long time.  I like the term 'customers' used by these large and faceless corporations because it suggests that the purchasers of the product being sold have popped in voluntarily to buy a few volts - the truth is we in North Yorkshire have no choice but to obtain our power supplies from Northern Power Grid, albeit via an intermediary, (EDF) in our case.

The loss of power was caused by some very important piece of kit installed in the national grid going down due to intense wind and ice.  What??  Well, yes it was cold and yes it was snowing and blowing at some force unusual for April, but come on it wasn't that bad.  We managed to get through last winter without such calamaties; so, why now?  We were also affected by a secondary cause, namely two, local electricity supply poles snapped under the weight of the ice and force of the wind; so our power would have gone off in any case.  Well, that was the rumour anyway - and I did see men in hard hats driving across fields and climbing poles - so why should I disbelieve it?

I quite enjoyed being without power.  Life was quiet (quieter than normal anyway) and I was unable to work (which was nice) but I was beginning to get fed up after two days, there being only one camping gas ring to cook on and no juice to work the shower.  Heating and lighting wasn't so bad - well you just put on another jumper and walk around with a candle or three.  But we are used to being warm and we don't realise just how cold an unheated building becomes after a very short while.  So, as I say, two days was enough for me.  Couldn't even listen to Radio York (another plus point), so we decided to buy a wind up radio and are currently awaiting delivery.  Add this to the two wind up torches we already have in stock and we are cooking with gas - well, we are actually when the power is off.

The downside is I had to work over the Easter weekend to make up for the two lost days (bugger).  Have been sat twiddling my thumbs for nigh on three years due to the downturn in work and just when I have a deadline (at long last) I can't see to draw and the computer thingy won't crank up.  Still, mustn't grumble - why the hell not, grumbling's my hobby and you've got to have a hobby - haven't you?

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